SimpLEGAL solution: Trademark services, registration and administration

2 mins read

When is trademark protection important and why might your business need it?

Trademark protection is an excellent opportunity to differentiate your goods or services from those of your competitors and to stand out in the market. It can also provide stronger legal protection for your company’s logo, protecting it from competitors or counterfeiters who wish to use similar marks or freeride its reputation.

How can we help your business with your trademark application?

Prior to filing a trademark application, we will consult with you to advise you on any grounds for refusal or obstacles to filing a trademark application, and we will conduct a preliminary search for similar trademarks filed previously. We also have extensive experience regarding national, EU and international trademark registration procedures, so we can help you in filing your trademark application on your behalf and provide full representation throughout the procedure.

Regarding what other issues can we advise you on or represent you in trademark matters?

In addition to representing you concerning your trademark application, we can assist you with a range of other matters, including in particular:

  • helping to develop a comprehensive trademark strategy;
  • representation in the event of trademark infringement and assistance in pursuing your legal claims;
  • conducting trademark searches for the trademarks of your choice;
  • drafting and reviewing contracts relating to the licensing and transfer of trademarks;
  • comprehensive intellectual property advice regarding other design elements and marks

Our success stories in this field

We have successfully represented a number of Hungarian businesses and entrepreneurs in trademark application proceedings and advised them on the use and protection of trademarks, including in recent years, for example, several businesses providing gastronomic or marketing services for which we successfully undertook a thorough trademark research and submitted trademark applications.


Labels: Trademark application Trademark registration Trademark infringement Trademark request Trademark license Trademark counterfeiting Trademark policy Trademark system consulting Trademark dispute resolution Trademark use rights Trademark licensing Trademark registration process Trademark legal expert Trademark legal audit Trademark legal consulting services