
We highly value comments and we always aim to provide state-of-the-art legal services tailored to the needs of our clients. Wishbox is a virtual box, where everyone’s vote counts. Through Wishbox you may vote or select certain options anonymously, which helps you & us together understand the new trends through the statistics.

Our seasonal topic in Wishbox:

Solutions available in the new SimpLEGAL webshop

SimpLEGAL solutions for simple legal matters can now be purchased online with just a few clicks in our new webshop. Is there any legal service package that you think is missing from the SimpLEGAL webshop?

What kind of legal service packages would you like to buy in the SimpLEGAL webshop?

What kind of legal service packages would you like to buy in the SimpLEGAL webshop?

What I would like to see in the SimpLEGAL webshop: