
The Hungarian data protection authority’s latest practice on the use of cookies

Cookies, which are typically unique, anonymized bits of information used in the operation of a website, are used to process visitors’ personal data in the vast majority of cases. As such, cookies must comply with the European General Data Protection […]

SimpLEGAL solution: Trademark services, registration and administration

When is trademark protection important and why might your business need it? Trademark protection is an excellent opportunity to differentiate your goods or services from those of your competitors and to stand out in the market. It can also provide […]

SimpLEGAL solution: Software services related legal advice

Why is it important that the issues related to the use of software are clearly set out in the contract? In the development, transfer and use of software, there are many cases where the parties’ agreement is not clearly set […]

SimpLEGAL solution: Data protection audit with a review of the entire company’s or organization’s data sensitive activities

Why is a data protection audit particularly recommended for businesses and other organizations? A data protection audit may be particularly recommended in the event of significant changes affecting the company or its data processing activities. Examples of such events include […]

SimpLEGAL solution: Data protection officer (DPO) services with consistent expert availability

What is the role of a DPO? The data protection officer (DPO) assists and supports data protection compliance for various businesses and other organizations, regardless of their area of operation. In some cases, the appointment of a DPO is mandatory […]

The new SimpLEGAL webshop is launched!

We are pleased to announce that we have accelerated the solution of simplest legal matters, our lawyers’ contactless and paperless services can now be ordered and paid online with just a few clicks in the SimpLEGAL webshop!   From our […]